
Monday, June 28, 2021


Where has this year gone?  I started a January wrap up and didn’t get a chance to finish it.  I don’t know the route I want this blog to take…I barely have time to put my reviews on GoodReads, and I feel like they are not in depth at all.  So far this year I have read 47 books…that would be a ridiculous summary post no-one would want to read.  I have a started helping a friend get her book box off the ground by a) purchasing a subscription and b) posting videos of said subscription unwrapping.  But that is on Instagram and YouTube, I don’t feel the need to post here as well, maybe I will do a review?  So that leaves me as to where to go with this blog…I’m not in the book world enough to be talking about news.  But I don’t know reviews are the way this works anymore either…this may take some thought to figure out.